Dr Peter Robinson



Peter completed his basic medical training at Stellenbosch University, South Africa in 1994.

After his completing his houseman year at a teaching hospital in Kwa Zulu-Natal, he spent 3 years working in a mixture of teaching hospitals and doing locums in the United Kingdom.

He moved to Auckland with his wife, a New Zealander, whom he met and married during his time overseas.

He completed his anaesthetic Specialist training in Auckland.

This was followed by 3 fellowship posts- a year at Auckland City Hospital, a year at North Shore Hospital and finally a regional anaesthetic fellowship at the Liverpool Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

He returned to work as an anaesthetic consultant at Aucklands’ North Shore hospital for a year, followed by a further 2 years at Auckland City Hospital before moving into full time private practice.

Peter has an interest in Bariatric Anaesthesia, maxillofacial anaesthesia and orthopaedics, particularly involving regional anaesthesia.